
Showing posts from January, 2020

Happy New Years, Lets Have A Drink!!!!

OK you know how some ladies and/or gentlemen have book club well Im starting a Cocktail Club. YASSSSSS Divas i am. So I started searching for some awesome drinks and i found two that stood out to me. First up is: Tiffany Mimosas INGREDIENTS 1  slice lemon 2 tbsp.  sugar 1/4 c.  Blue Curacao, divided 1  bottle Champagne or Prosecco 2 c.  lemonade, divided Thin white ribbon (optional) DIRECTIONS Place sugar on a small shallow plate. Rim each champagne flute with lemon wedge and dip in sugar. Divide blue curacao evenly between each glass. Fill halfway with bubbly, then top with lemonade.  If using, cut ribbon into 6” pieces and tie bows on each glass’ stem. Credit to: Its Like having breakfast at Tiffanys!!!πŸ˜€πŸ’—πŸ·πŸ¦ΆπŸ˜‹ Next up is: Giggle Juice INGREDIENTS Lemon wedge, for rimming glasses Sugar, for rimming glasses 1  (750-ml) bottle